Audit Tools



EQhealth has developed EEAMS® (Efficiency and Effectiveness Audit and Management System) a clinical auditing and benchmarking tool. EEAMS® facilitates procedure and diagnosis specific auditing of

  • Achievement of key milestones and variation in care
  • Potentially avoidable hospital days ( A hospital day is deemed to be potentially avoidable when it is determined from the clinical notes that the patient had achieved the desired milestones to be safe for discharge home or care could be provided in a less intensive setting i.e. home with HITH or transfer to inpatient rehabilitation).
  • Quality of documentation

EEAMS® provides essential data for the management of quality and financial outcomes. Hospitals can measure performance internally by comparing Doctors and past performance, and externally by benchmarking findings with other hospitals. EEAMS® outputs provide hospitals with necessary information for

  • Identification of areas for improvement while allowing the introduction of KPIs designed to improve quality and financial outcomes
  • Cost benefit analysis for investing in change
  • Change in clinical practice
  • Hospital accreditation requirement for clinical benchmarking